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It all began with a little girl’s dream; Cristina used to play with her grandmother Minerva who was a very skilled seamstress. The two enjoyed creating little dresses for Cristina’s dolls using fabric remnants that her mother used to bring home from the clothing family company she used to run with her siblings.

After concluding her university studies in the US, Cristina started to work in the family business where she shortly built up from scratch an important export segment. Indeed, she succeeded in expanding the high-quality man’s shirt business in all Europa, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Arab Countries, USA, Mexico, and South Africa. She then became sales manager for the Italian market focusing on the distribution of the family business’ highest lines of product.

Now, after carrying on such important achievements and enriched by that little girl’s same enthusiasm, Cristina has given birth to a project in women’s high-quality sector of shirts and knitwear. She has created CV-- brand as she treasures 30 years of work experience in this market.

A high-quality handcraft product is born with CV-- collection. It is designed and manufactured in Tuscany, the heart of Italy.